Episode 11

Published on:

14th Feb 2024

Energy efficiency and the Future Homes Standard

Energy efficiency is one of the hottest topics in the UK Construction Industry at the moment. The cost-of-living crisis, high energy prices, upcoming Future Homes Standard and government Net Zero aspirations are all contributing to this. 

Professional Builder’s Edward Kelly interviews Professor Will Swan, Director of Energy House Laboratories at the University of Salford. This department is responsible for Energy House 2.0 - a massive building with two environmental chambers inside, each able to accommodate two detached houses and under temperature-controlled conditions. Professor Swan tells us what this project has taught us about energy efficiency in UK homes and whether the Future Homes Standard is actually achievable.

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Professional Builder
Professional Builder has been established for over 40 years as a magazine and resource for the construction industry. Now, this is the podcast. Expect latest news, training, advice and conversations with those pushing the boundaries.

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